8 Parameter8.2 Motion Speed Setting Parameters8-9149235-1CDRE-CSO-A031 S2C516: EMERGENCY STOP CURSOR ADVANCE CONTROLFUNCTION CONT PROCESS COMPLETION POSITIONUnits: %When the manipulator stops during moving inner corner by CONT process, this parameter specifieswhich position of the inner corner should be considered as the end of step. S2C517: EMERGENCY STOP ADVANCE CONTROLFUNCTION WORK START INSTRUCTION STEP MOTIONCOMPLETION DELAY TIMEUnits: msIn order to recognize securely the completion of motion to the step of work start instruction (such asARCON instruction), this parameter specifies the delay time for motion completion of the work startinstruction step only. S2C560: BASE AXIS OPERATION KEY ALLOCATION SETTINGAxis number order: X: First axis, Y: Second axis, Z: Third axisSpecified: X: X-direction (RECT-X), Y: Y-direction (RECT-Y), Z: Z-direction (RECT-Z)Parameter Setting and Jog Operation Key AllocationCoordinates/Parameter S2C560= “0” S2C560= “1”Joint Axis number order SpecifiedCylindrical Axis number order SpecifiedCartesian Specified SpecifiedTool Specified SpecifiedUser Specified SpecifiedAB50%100%0%Step 4Step 3When 50% is set, moves to Step 3 if the manipulator stopsin A section, and to Step 4 if the manipulator stops in Bsection.298 of 493