3 - 48CHKADJ Measure the width È between the marks. Rotate the front tires 180° until the marks areexactly opposite one another. Measure the width É between the marks. Calculate the toe-in using the formula givenbelow. If the toe-in is incorrect, adjust it.*****************************************************3.Adjust: Toe-inWARNING Be sure that both tie-rods are turned thesame amount. If not, the machine will driftright or left even though the handlebar ispositioned straight. This may lead tomishandling and an accident. After setting the toe-in to specification,run the machine slowly for some distancewith both hands lightly holding thehandlebar and check that the handlebarresponds correctly. If not, turn either theright or left tie-rod within the toe-inspecification.*****************************************************tAdjustment steps: Mark both tie-rods ends.This reference point will be needed duringadjustment. Loosen the locknuts (tie-rod end) 1 of bothtie-rods. The same number of turns should be givento both the right and left tie-rods 2 until thespecified toe-in is obtained. This is to keepthe length of the rods the same. Tighten the rod end locknuts of both tie rods.NOTE:Adjust the rod ends so that A and B are equal.*****************************************************Toe-in = É – ÈT R..Locknut (rod end):40 Nm (4.0 m • kg, 29 ft • lb)ADJUSTING THE TOE-IN