9 - 46– +ELECCOOLING SYSTEMC0NTINUITYGOODCONDITION6.Thermo switch (radiator) Remove the thermo switch (radiator) fromthe radiator. Connect the pocket tester (Ω × 10) to thethermo switch (radiator) 1. Immerse the thermo switch (radiator) incoolant 2. Check the thermo switch (radiator) forcontinuity.While heating the coolant use athermometer 3 to record thetemperatures.TeststepCoolant temperatureContinuityThermo switch(radiator)1 Less than 86 ± 3 °C(186.8 ± 5.4 °F) NO2 More than 86 ± 3 °C(186.8 ± 5.4 °F) YES3 More than 80 ± 3 °C(176 ± 5.4 °F) YES4 Less than 80 ± 3 °C(176 ± 5.4 °F) NOTest steps 1 & 2: Heating phaseTest steps 3 & 4: Cooling phaseÈ The thermo switch (radiator) circuit is openand the radiator fan is off.É The thermo switch (radiator) circuit is closedand the radiator fan is on.WARNINGHandle the thermo switch (radiator) withspecial care.Never subject it to a strong shock orallow it to be dropped. Should it bedropped, it must be replaced.T R. .Thermo switch (radiator):28 Nm (2.8 m • kg, 20 ft • lb)Three bond sealock® #10**ÉÈ80 ± 3 ˚C(176 ± 5.4 ˚F)86 ± 3 ˚C(186.8 ± 5.4 ˚F)BAD CONDITIONReplace the thermo switch (radiator).