GENINFO– 1 –SPECIAL TOOLSGENERAL INFORMATIONEB102001SPECIAL TOOLSThe following special tools are necessary for complete and accurate tune-up and assembly. Useonly the appropriate special tools; this will help prevent damage caused by the use of inappropriatetools or improvised techniques. Special tools may differ by shape and part number from country tocountry. In such a case, two types are provided.When placing an order, refer to the list provided below to avoid any mistakes.For US and CDNP/N. YM-, YU-, YS-, YK-, ACC-Except for US and CDNP/N. 90890-Tool No. Tool name/How to use IllustrationPot90890-01274Bolt90890-01275Crankshaft installer potCrankshaft installer boltThese tools are used to install thecrankshaft.90890-01309SpacerThis tool is used to install thecrankshaft.Adapter90890-01383YM-1383Spacer90890-04081YM-91044AdapterSpacer (crankshaft installer)These tools are used to install thecrankshaft.YU-90050Crankshaft installer setThese tools are used to install thecrankshaft.