132 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLSCaution (Continued)within the operating range and theoil pressure is still low, have thevehicle serviced. Always follow themaintenance schedule for changingengine oil.This light should come on briefly asthe engine is started. If it does notcome on, have the vehicle serviced byyour dealer.If the light comes on and stays on, itmeans that oil is not flowing throughthe engine properly. The vehicle couldbe low on oil and might have someother system problem. See your dealer.Low Fuel Warning LightThis light is near the fuel gauge andcomes on briefly when the ignition isturned on as a check to show it isworking. For vehicles with areconfigurable cluster, this light is inthe display area and may not come onwhen the ignition is turned on.It also comes on when the fuel tank islow on fuel. The light turns off whenfuel is added. If it does not, have thevehicle serviced.Auto Stop Mode (UplevelCluster Only)This light comes on when the engineis in an Auto Stop.See Starting the Engine 0 191.Security LightOn some vehicles the immobilizerlight should come on briefly as theengine is started. If it does not comeon, have the vehicle serviced by yourdealer. If the system is workingnormally, the indicator light turns off.For vehicles with the reconfigurablecluster, this light may not come onwhen the engine is started.If the light stays on and the enginedoes not start, there could be aproblem with the theft-deterrentsystem. See Immobilizer Operation0 45.