194 DRIVING AND OPERATINGWarning (Continued)or using a damaged heater orextension cord, could make itoverheat and cause a fire,property damage, electricshock, and injury.. Do not operate the vehiclewith the heater cordpermanently attached to thevehicle. Possible heater cordand thermostat damage couldoccur.. While in use, do not let theheater cord touch vehicleparts or sharp edges. Neverclose the hood on theheater cord.. Before starting the vehicle,unplug the cord, reattach thecover to the plug, andsecurely fasten the cord. Keepthe cord away from anymoving parts.4. Before starting the engine, besure to unplug and store the cordas it was before to keep it awayfrom moving engine parts. If youdo not, it could be damaged.Contact your dealer for informationon how long to use the heater in yourparticular area.Retained AccessoryPower (RAP)Some vehicle accessories may be usedafter the ignition is turned off.The power windows and sunroof,if equipped, will continue to work forup to 10 minutes or until any door isopened.The infotainment system will continueto work for 10 minutes, until thedriver door is opened, or until theignition is turned on or placed inACC/ACCESSORY.Shifting Into ParkTo shift into P (Park):1. Hold the brake pedal down andset the parking brake.See Electric Parking Brake 0 201.2. Move the shift lever into P (Park)by holding in the button on theshift lever and pushing the leverall the way toward the front ofthe vehicle.3. Turn the ignition off.4. Take the Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) transmitter with you.Leaving the Vehicle with theEngine Running{ WarningIt can be dangerous to leave thevehicle with the engine running.It could overheat and catch fire.(Continued)