ONSTAR 367SecurityIf equipped, OnStar provides theseservices:. With Stolen Vehicle Assistance,OnStar Advisors can use GPS topinpoint the vehicle and helpauthorities quickly recover it.. With Remote Ignition Block,if equipped, OnStar can block theengine from being restarted.. With Stolen Vehicle Slowdown,if equipped, OnStar can work withlaw enforcement to gradually slowthe vehicle down.Theft Alarm NotificationIf equipped, if the doors are lockedand the vehicle alarm sounds, anotification by text, e-mail, or phonecall will be sent. If the vehicle isstolen, an OnStar Advisor can workwith authorities to recover the vehicle.NavigationOnStar navigation requires a specificOnStar service plan.Press Q to receive Turn-by-Turndirections or have them sent to thevehicle’s navigation screen,if equipped.Turn-by-Turn Navigation1. Press Q to connect to anAdvisor.2. Request directions to bedownloaded to the vehicle.3. Follow the voice-guidedcommands.Using Voice Commands During aPlanned RouteFunctionality of the Voice Commandbutton may vary by vehicle andregion. For some vehicles, press = toopen the OnStar app on theinfotainment display. For othervehicles press = as follows.Cancel Route1. Press =. System responds:“OnStar ready,” then a tone.2. Say “Cancel route.” Systemresponds: “Do you want to canceldirections?”3. Say “Yes.” System responds: “OK,request completed, thank you,goodbye.”Route Preview1. Press =. System responds:“OnStar ready,” then a tone.2. Say “Route preview.” Systemresponds with the next threemaneuvers.Repeat1. Press =. System responds:“OnStar ready,” then a tone.2. Say “Repeat.” System respondswith the last direction given,then responds with “OnStarready,” then a tone.Get My Destination1. Press =. System responds:“OnStar ready,” then a tone.