242 DRIVING AND OPERATINGTo open the fuel door, push andrelease the rearward center edge ofthe door. The fuel door is locked whenthe vehicle doors are locked. Press Kon the RKE transmitter to unlock. SeeRemote Keyless Entry (RKE) SystemOperation 0 30.The vehicle has a capless refuelingsystem and does not have a fuel cap.The filling nozzle must be fullyinserted and latched prior to startingfuel flow.{ WarningOverfilling the fuel tank by morethan three clicks of a standard fillnozzle may cause:. Vehicle performance issues,including engine stalling anddamage to the fuel system.. Fuel spills.. Potential fuel fires.Be careful not to spill fuel. Wait a fewseconds after you have finishedpumping before removing the nozzle.Clean fuel from painted surfaces assoon as possible. See Exterior Care0 324.{ WarningIf a fire starts while you arerefueling, do not remove the nozzle.Shut off the flow of fuel by shuttingoff the pump or by notifying thestation attendant. Leave the areaimmediately.Filling the Tank with a PortableGas CanIf the vehicle runs out of fuel andmust be filled from a portable gas can:1. Locate the capless funneladapter from under the carpet inthe trunk.2. Insert and latch the funnel intothe capless fuel system.{ WarningAttempting to refuel without usingthe funnel adapter may cause fuelspillage and damage the caplessfuel system. This could cause a fireand you or others could be badlyburned and the vehicle could bedamaged.3. After filling the tank, remove andclean the funnel adapter andreturn it to the storage location.Filling a Portable FuelContainer{ WarningFilling a portable fuel containerwhile it is in the vehicle can causefuel vapors that can ignite either bystatic electricity or other means.You or others could be badlyburned and the vehicle could bedamaged. Always:(Continued)