DRIVING AND OPERATING 237Take SteeringThe LKA system does notcontinuously steer the vehicle. If LKAdoes not detect active driver steering,an alert, chime, or DIC message maybe provided. Move the steering wheelto dismiss.When the System Does NotSeem to Work ProperlyThe system performance may beaffected by:. Close vehicles ahead.. Sudden lighting changes, such aswhen driving through tunnels.. Banked roads.. Roads with poor lane markings,such as two-lane roads.If the LKA system is not functioningproperly when lane markings areclearly visible, cleaning the windshieldmay help.A camera blocked message maydisplay if the camera is blocked.Cleaning the outside of the windshieldbehind the rearview mirror maycorrect the issue. Some driverassistance systems may have reducedperformance or not work at all. AnLKA or LDW unavailable message maydisplay if the systems are temporarilyunavailable. This message could bedue to a blocked camera. The LKAsystem does not need service. Cleanthe outside of the windshield behindthe rearview mirror.LKA assistance and/or LDW alertsmay occur due to tar marks, shadows,cracks in the road, temporary orconstruction lane markings, or otherroad imperfections. This is normalsystem operation; the vehicle does notneed service. Turn LKA off if theseconditions continue.Vehicle-to-VehicleIf equipped and traveling in the U.S.or Canada, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)can communicate with otherV2V-equipped vehicles to send andreceive vehicle location, speed,direction, and notices regardingcertain traffic situations from up toapproximately 300 m (980 ft) away.Under certain conditions, V2V mayprovide notice of certain trafficsituations, such as when otherV2V-equipped vehicles ahead may bebraking hard, disabled, on slipperyroads, or in a crash.V2V does not automatically brake orsteer the vehicle.{ WarningV2V features work only when othernearby vehicles equipped with V2Vare detected and communicationsare received. V2V may not detectother V2V-equipped vehicles orreceive communications undercertain conditions, includingaround tall buildings; in parkinggarages; around airports; in tunnelsand underpasses; in an area withvery dense trees; or where the roofantenna is blocked by objects suchas roof carriers, snow or ice.Communication failures or delayscan occur and may not providenotice sufficiently in advance tohelp avoid a crash, or may notprovide any notices at all. Pay(Continued)