VEHICLE CARE 263oil as soon as possible within the next1 000 km (600 mi). It is possible that,if driving under the best conditions,the oil life system might indicate thatan oil change is not necessary for upto a year. The engine oil and filtermust be changed at least once a yearand at this time the system must bereset. Your dealer has trained servicepeople who will perform this work andreset the system. It is also importantto check the oil regularly over thecourse of an oil drain interval andkeep it at the proper level.If the system is ever reset accidentally,the oil must be changed at 5 000 km(3,000 mi) since the last oil change.Remember to reset the oil life systemwhenever the oil is changed.How to Reset the Engine Oil LifeSystemReset the system whenever the engineoil is changed so that the system cancalculate the next engine oil change.To reset the system:1. Using the DIC buttons, displayREMAINING OIL LIFE on theDIC. See Driver Information Center(DIC) 0 134.2. Press and hold SEL to clear theCHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage and reset the oil lifeat 100%.Be careful not to reset the oil lifedisplay accidentally at any timeother than after the oil ischanged. It cannot be resetaccurately until the next oilchange.The oil life system can also be reset asfollows:1. Display REMAINING OIL LIFE onthe DIC. See Driver InformationCenter (DIC) 0 134.2. Fully press and release theaccelerator pedal three timeswithin five seconds.If the CHANGE ENGINE OILSOON message is not on, thesystem is reset.The system is reset when theCHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON messageis off.If the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage comes back on when thevehicle is started, the engine oil lifesystem has not been reset. Repeat theprocedure.Automatic TransmissionFluidHow to Check AutomaticTransmission FluidIt is not necessary to check thetransmission fluid level.A transmission fluid leak is the onlyreason for fluid loss. If a leak occurs,take the vehicle to your dealer andhave it repaired as soon as possible.The vehicle is not equipped with atransmission fluid level dipstick.There is a special procedure forchecking and changing thetransmission fluid. Because thisprocedure is difficult, this should bedone at the dealer. Contact your dealerfor additional information.