32 KEYS, DOORS, AND WINDOWSThe Keyless Access system can beprogrammed to unlock all doors onthe first lock/unlock press from thedriver door. See Vehicle Personalization0 142.If equipped with memory seats, RKEtransmitters 1 and 2 are linked toseating positions of memory 1 or 2.See Memory Seats 0 60.Keyless Unlocking/Locking from theDriver DoorWhen the doors are locked and theRKE transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft) ofthe door handle, pressing the lock/unlock button on the driver doorhandle will unlock the driver door.If the lock/unlock button is pressedagain within five seconds, allpassenger doors will unlock.Driver Door Shown, Passenger SimilarPressing the lock/unlock button willcause all doors to lock if any of thefollowing occur:. It has been more than five secondssince the first lock/unlock buttonpress.. Two lock/unlock button presseswere used to unlock all doors.. Any vehicle door has opened andall doors are now closed.Keyless Unlocking/Locking from thePassenger DoorsWhen the doors are locked and theRKE transmitter is within 1 m (3 ft) ofthe door handle, pressing the lock/unlock button on a passenger doorhandle will unlock all doors. Pressingthe lock/unlock button will cause alldoors to lock if any of the followingoccur:. The lock/unlock button was usedto unlock all doors.. Any vehicle door has opened andall doors are now closed.Passive LockingThe Keyless Access system will lockthe vehicle several seconds after alldoors are closed if the vehicle is offand at least one transmitter has beenremoved or none remain in thevehicle.The fuel door will also lock atthis time.If other electronic devices interferewith the RKE transmitter signal, thevehicle may not detect the RKEtransmitter inside the vehicle.If passive locking is enabled, the doorsmay lock with the RKE transmitterinside the vehicle. Do not leave theRKE transmitter in an unattendedvehicle.