SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 341LampsProperly working headlamps,taillamps, and brake lamps areimportant to see and be seen onthe road.. Signs that the headlamps needattention include dimming, failureto light, cracking, or damage. Thebrake lamps need to be checkedperiodically to ensure that theylight when braking.. With a multi-point inspection,your dealer can check the lampsand note any concerns.Shocks and StrutsShocks and struts help aid in controlfor a smoother ride.. Signs of wear may include steeringwheel vibration, bounce/swaywhile braking, longer stoppingdistance, or uneven tire wear.. As part of the multi-pointinspection, trained dealertechnicians can visually inspectthe shocks and struts for signs ofleaking, blown seals, or damage,and can advise when service isneeded.TiresTires need to be properly inflated,rotated, and balanced. Maintainingthe tires can save money and fuel, andcan reduce the risk of tire failure.. Signs that the tires need to bereplaced include three or morevisible treadwear indicators; cordor fabric showing through therubber; cracks or cuts in the treador sidewall; or a bulge or split inthe tire.. Trained dealer technicians caninspect and recommend the righttires. Your dealer can also providetire/wheel balancing services toensure smooth vehicle operationat all speeds. Your dealer sells andservices name brand tires.Vehicle CareTo help keep the vehicle looking likenew, vehicle care products areavailable from your dealer. Forinformation on how to clean andprotect the vehicle’s interior andexterior, see Interior Care 0 328 andExterior Care 0 324.