246 DRIVING AND OPERATINGCheck periodically to see that all hitchnuts and bolts are tight.Trailer Towing (V6 Engine,Non Twin Turbo)Before pulling a trailer, there are threeimportant considerations that have todo with weight:. The weight of the trailer.. The weight of the trailer tongue.. The total weight on your vehicle'stires.Weight of the TrailerHow heavy can a trailer safely be?It should never weigh more than454 kg (1,000 lb). But even that can betoo heavy.It depends on how the rig is used. Forexample, speed, altitude, road grades,outside temperature, and how muchthe vehicle is used to pull a trailer areall important. It can depend on anyspecial equipment on the vehicle, andthe amount of tongue weight thevehicle can carry. See “Weight of theTrailer Tongue” later in this section.Maximum trailer weight is calculatedassuming only the driver is in the towvehicle and it has all the requiredtrailering equipment. The weight ofadditional optional equipment,passengers, and cargo in the towvehicle must be subtracted from themaximum trailer weight.Ask your dealer for traileringinformation or advice.Weight of the Trailer TongueThe tongue load (1) of any trailer is animportant weight to measure becauseit affects the total gross weight of thevehicle. The Gross Vehicle Weight(GVW) includes the curb weight of thevehicle, any cargo carried in it, andthe people who will be riding in thevehicle. If there are a lot of options,equipment, passengers, or cargo in thevehicle, it will reduce the tongueweight the vehicle can carry, whichwill also reduce the trailer weight thevehicle can tow. If towing a trailer, thetongue load must be added to theGVW because the vehicle will becarrying that weight, too. See VehicleLoad Limits 0 185.The trailer tongue (1) should weigh 10to 15 percent of the total loadedtrailer weight (2).After loading the trailer, weigh thetrailer and then the tongue,separately, to see if the weights areproper. If they are not, adjustmentsmight be made by moving some itemsaround in the trailer.Total Weight on Your Vehicle'sTiresBe sure the vehicle's tires are inflatedto the upper limit for cold tires. Thesenumbers can be found on the Tire andLoading Information label. See VehicleLoad Limits 0 185. Make sure not to go