VEHICLE CARE 3111. Turn on the hazard warningflashers. See Hazard WarningFlashers 0 154.2. Set the parking brake firmly.3. Put an automatic transmission inP (Park) or a manualtransmission in 1 (First) orR (Reverse).4. Turn off the ignition.5. Inspect the flat tire.{ WarningDriving on a flat tire will causepermanent damage to the tire.Re-inflating a tire after it has beendriven on while severelyunderinflated or flat may cause ablowout and a serious crash. Neverattempt to re-inflate a tire that hasbeen driven on while severelyunderinflated or flat. Have yourdealer or an authorized tire servicecenter repair or replace the flat tireas soon as possible.If this vehicle has a tire sealant kitand the tire has been separated fromthe wheel, has damaged sidewalls,or has a puncture larger than6 mm (0.25 in), the tire is too severelydamaged for the tire sealant andcompressor kit to be effective. If thetire has a puncture less than6 mm (0.25 in) in the tread area of thetire, see Tire Sealant and CompressorKit 0 311.Tire Sealant andCompressor Kit{ WarningIdling a vehicle in an enclosed areawith poor ventilation is dangerous.Engine exhaust may enter thevehicle. Engine exhaust containscarbon monoxide (CO) whichcannot be seen or smelled. It cancause unconsciousness and evendeath. Never run the engine in anenclosed area that has no fresh airventilation. For more information,see Engine Exhaust 0 196.{ WarningOverinflating a tire could cause thetire to rupture and you or otherscould be injured. Be sure to readand follow the tire sealant andcompressor kit instructions andinflate the tire to its recommendedpressure. Do not exceed therecommended pressure.{ WarningStoring the tire sealant andcompressor kit or other equipmentin the passenger compartment ofthe vehicle could cause injury. In asudden stop or collision, looseequipment could strike someone.Store the tire sealant andcompressor kit in its originallocation.