INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 137G-Force (V-Series) : Gives the driveran indication of the vehicleperformance in cornering. The G-forceis displayed in the center of the DICas a numerical value.Transmission Temperature(V-Series) : Shows the temperature ofthe transmission fluid in eitherdegrees Celsius (°C) or degreesFahrenheit (°F).Oil Life : Shows an estimate of theoil's remaining useful life.If REMAINING OIL LIFE 99% isdisplayed, that means 99% of thecurrent oil life remains.When the remaining oil life is low, theCHANGE ENGINE OIL SOON messagewill appear on the display. The oilshould be changed as soon aspossible. See Engine Oil 0 260. Inaddition to the engine oil life systemmonitoring the oil life, additionalmaintenance is recommended. SeeMaintenance Schedule 0 334.The Oil Life display must be resetafter each oil change. It will not resetitself. Do not to reset the Oil Lifedisplay accidentally at any time otherthan when the oil has just beenchanged. It cannot be reset accuratelyuntil the next oil change. To reset theengine oil life system, press and holdSEL for several seconds while the OilLife display is active. See Engine OilLife System 0 262.Tire Pressure : Shows theapproximate pressures of all four tires.Tire pressure is displayed in eitherkilopascal (kPa) or in pounds persquare inch (psi). If the pressure islow, the value for that tire is shown inamber. See Tire Pressure MonitorSystem 0 299 and Tire PressureMonitor Operation 0 300.Tire Temperature (V-Series) :Displays a description of the tire airtemperature based on the readingsfrom the TPMS sensors. Thetemperature range displayed willchange based on ambient conditionsand driving style.Vehicle Odometer (Base Cluster) :Shows the odometer.Blank Page : The Blank Page displayallows for no information to bedisplayed in the DIC display zone(s).Head-Up Display (HUD){ WarningIf the HUD image is too bright ortoo high in your field of view, itmay take you more time to seethings you need to see when it isdark outside. Be sure to keep theHUD image dim and placed low inyour field of view.If equipped with HUD, someinformation concerning the operationof the vehicle is projected onto thewindshield. The image is projectedthrough the HUD lens on top of theinstrument panel. The informationappears as an image focused outtoward the front of the vehicle.CautionIf you try to use the HUD image asa parking aid, you may misjudgethe distance and damage yourvehicle. Do not use the HUD imageas a parking aid.