200 DRIVING AND OPERATINGTo enter Permanent Tap Shift Mode:1. With the shift lever in D (Drive),press the M (Manual Mode)button on the top of the shiftlever. While in Tap Shift Mode,the M of the PRNDM section ofthe instrument cluster willbecome highlighted, and thecurrent gear is indicated.2. Tap the left control to downshift,and the right control to upshift.To shift to the lowest availablegear, press and hold the leftcontrol.3. To exit, press the M (ManualMode) button a second time.With the shift lever in D (Drive) andnot in Permanent Tap Shift Mode, thetap shift controls will activate atemporary tap manual shift mode,allowing the transmission to bemanually shifted. Automatic shiftsreturn after no manual shifts havebeen done for seven to 10 seconds.The Temporary Tap Shift Mode canalso be deactivated by holding theright upshift control briefly.While using Tap Shift, the vehicle willhave firmer, quicker shifting. You canuse this for sport driving or whenclimbing or descending hills, to stay ingear longer, or to downshift for morepower or engine braking.The transmission will only allow youto shift into gears appropriate for thevehicle speed and engine revolutionsper minute (rpm). The transmissionwill not automatically shift to the nextlower gear if the engine rpm is toohigh, nor to the next higher gear whenthe maximum engine rpm is reached.If shifting is prevented for any reason,a SHIFT DENIED message will bedisplayed in the instrument cluster.When accelerating the vehicle from astop in snowy and icy conditions, it issuggested to shift into second gear.A higher gear allows the vehicle togain more traction on slipperysurfaces.Drive SystemsAll-Wheel DriveVehicles with this feature always sendengine power to all four wheels. It isfully automatic, and adjusts itself asneeded for road conditions.