366 ONSTAROr. Make a call, end a call, or answeran incoming call.. Give OnStar Hands-Free Callingvoice commands.. Give OnStar Turn-by-TurnNavigation voice commands.. Obtain and customize the Wi-Fihotspot name or SSID andpassword, if equipped.Press Q to connect to an Advisor to:. Verify account information orupdate contact information.. Get driving directions.. Receive a Diagnostic check of thevehicle's key operating systems.. Receive Roadside Assistance.. Manage Wi-Fi Settings,if equipped.Press > to get a priority connectionto an OnStar Advisor available 24/7 to:. Get help for an emergency.. Be a Good Samaritan or respondto an AMBER Alert.. Get assistance in severe weatheror other crisis situations and findevacuation routes.OnStar ServicesEmergencyEmergency Services require an active,OnStar service plan (excludes BasicPlan). With Automatic CrashResponse, built-in sensors canautomatically alert a specially trainedOnStar Advisor who is immediatelyconnected in to the vehicle to help.Press > for a priority connection toan OnStar Advisor who can contactemergency service providers, directthem to your exact location, and relayimportant information.With OnStar Crisis Assist, speciallytrained Advisors are available24 hours a day, 7 days a week, toprovide a central point of contact,assistance, and information during acrisis.With Roadside Assistance, Advisorscan locate a nearby service provider tohelp with a flat tire, a battery jump,or an empty gas tank.