162 INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM. Transmission State (Current Gear):Same as Sport.. Friction Bubble Graphic: Lateraland longitudinal G-Forces aredisplayed as a dot within a bubble.A red dot displays when thevehicle starts braking and turnsgreen when the vehicleaccelerates. The dot is white whenthe vehicle is not moving. A whitedot is the default.. Brake and Throttle Graphic:Displays the percentage value ofbrake and throttle pedal positionfrom 0–100%.. Steering Angle: The graphic fillsfrom the center to the left or rightdepending on the direction ofsteering. The numerical steeringangle displays below the graphic.. StabiliTrak Active Indicator: Thegraphic only displays if the activehandling systems are activated.. Performance TractionManagement (PTM) Mode:Displays the current PTM mode.The options are Wet, Dry, Sport 1,Sport 2, or Race.. Current Lap Time: Displays theelapsed lap time if the finish lineis defined and the vehicle hascrossed the defined finish line atleast once.. Event Odometer: Displays themileage driven since the recordingbegan.. Drive Mode: Displays the vehicle’scurrent drive mode.Performance Timing:Displays these vehicle metrics:. Vehicle Speed: Same as Sport.. Engine Rotations Per Minute(RPMs): Same as Sport.. Transmission State (Current Gear):Same as Sport.. 0–100 km/h (0–60 mph), 0–200 km/h (0–100 mph), 400 m(1/4 mi), and 0–200–0 km/h (0–100–0 mph): The timer startsrecording as soon as the vehicleaccelerates. As the vehicle passeseach speed and distancemilestone, it is displayed on theoverlay.. Throttle Position: Displaysthe percentage of throttle appliedfrom 0–100%.. StabiliTrak Active Indicator: Thegraphic only displays if the activehandling systems are activated.Naming ConventionThe recorded video file name is storedas the recorded date and the length ofthe recording.If the recorded session was recordedwhile the system was in Valet Mode,the file name will display the mode,date, and length of time.