148 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLSbutton until the indicator lightchanges from a slow to a rapidflash. Then release both buttons.Some garage door openers mayrequire substitution of Step 2with the procedure under “RadioSignals for Canada and SomeGate Operators” later in thissection.3. Press and hold the newlyprogrammed Universal Remotesystem button for five secondswhile watching the indicatorlight and garage door activation.. If the indicator light stays oncontinuously or the garagedoor moves when the buttonis pressed, then programmingis complete. There is no needto complete Steps 4–6.. If the indicator light does notcome on or the garage doordoes not move, a secondbutton press may berequired. For a second time,press and hold the newlyprogrammed button forfive seconds. If the light stayson or the garage door moves,programming is complete.. If the indicator light blinksrapidly for two seconds, thenchanges to a solid light andthe garage door does notmove, continue withprogramming Steps 4–6.Learn or Smart Button4. After completing Steps 1–3,locate the Learn or Smart buttoninside the garage on the garagedoor opener receiver. The nameand color of the button may varyby manufacturer.5. Press and release the Learn orSmart button. Step 6 must becompleted within 30 seconds ofpressing this button.6. Inside the vehicle, press and holdthe newly programmed UniversalRemote system button fortwo seconds and then release it.If the garage door does not moveor the lamp on the garage dooropener receiver does not flash,press and hold the same buttona second time for two seconds,then release it. Again, if the doordoes not move or the garagedoor lamp does not flash, pressand hold the same button a thirdtime for two seconds, thenrelease it.The Universal Remote system shouldnow activate the garage door.Repeat the process for programmingthe two remaining buttons.Radio Signals for Canada andSome Gate OperatorsFor questions or programming help,see www.homelink.com/gm or call1-800-355-3515.Canadian radio-frequency laws andsome U.S. gate operators requiretransmitter signals to time out or quitafter several seconds of transmission.