INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 149This may not be long enough for theUniversal Remote system to pick upthe signal during programming.If the programming did not work,replace Step 2 under “Programmingthe Universal Remote System” withthe following:Press and hold the Universal Remotesystem button while pressing andreleasing the hand-held transmitterbutton every two seconds until thesignal has been successfully acceptedby the Universal Remote system. TheUniversal Remote system indicatorlight will flash slowly at first and thenrapidly. Proceed with Step 3 under“Programming the Universal RemoteSystem” to complete.Universal Remote SystemOperationUsing the Universal RemoteSystemPress and hold the appropriateUniversal Remote system button for atleast one-half second. The indicatorlight will come on while the signal isbeing transmitted.Erasing Universal RemoteSystem ButtonsErase all programmed buttons whenvehicle ownership is terminated.To erase:1. Press and hold the two outsidebuttons until the indicator lightbegins to flash. This should takeabout 10 seconds.2. Release both buttons.Reprogramming a SingleUniversal Remote SystemButtonTo reprogram any of the systembuttons:1. Press and hold any one of thebuttons. Do not release thebutton.2. The indicator light will begin toflash after 20 seconds. Withoutreleasing the button, proceedwith Step 1 under “Programmingthe Universal Remote System.”