DRIVING AND OPERATING 229APA will instruct the vehicle to stoponce a large enough space is found.Follow the displayed instructions.When instructed to drive in reverse,shift to R (Reverse) to engageautomatic steering. The steering wheelwill briefly vibrate as a reminder toremove hands from the steeringwheel. Check surroundings andcontinue braking or accelerating asneeded, and be prepared to stop toavoid vehicles, pedestrians, or objects.If the vehicle exceeds 10 km/h(6 mph), APA is automaticallydisengaged and automatic steeringwill turn off. A progress arrow displaysthe status of the parking maneuver.Depending on the space size,additional maneuvers may berequired, and there will be additionalinstructions. When changing gears,allow the automatic steering tocomplete before continuing theparking maneuver. Upon successfulcompletion of a maneuver, APA willbeep and display a PARKINGCOMPLETE message. Place the vehiclein P (Park).APA may automatically disengage if:. The steering wheel is used by thedriver.. The maximum allowed speed isexceeded.. There is a failure with the APAsystem.. Electronic stability control orantilock brakes are activated.. A high priority vehicle message isdisplayed in the DIC.To cancel APA, press O again.When the System Does Not Seem toWork ProperlyThe APA system may require a shortperiod of driving along curves tocalibrate.Assistance Systems forDrivingIf equipped, when driving the vehiclein a forward gear, Forward CollisionAlert (FCA), Lane Departure Warning(LDW), Lane Keep Assist (LKA), SideBlind Zone Alert (SBZA), Lane ChangeAlert (LCA), and/or ForwardAutomatic Braking (FAB) can help toavoid a crash or reduce crash damage.Forward Collision Alert(FCA) SystemIf equipped, the FCA system may helpto avoid or reduce the harm caused byfront-end crashes. When approachinga vehicle ahead too quickly, FCAprovides a flashing red alert on thewindshield and rapidly beeps or pulsesthe Safety Alert Seat. FCA also lightsan amber visual alert if followinganother vehicle much too closely.FCA detects vehicles within a distanceof approximately 60 m (197 ft) andoperates at speeds above 40 km/h(25 mph). If the vehicle has AdaptiveCruise Control (ACC), it can detectvehicles to distances of approximately