SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 333additional maintenance items liketires, brakes, batteries, and wiperblades.CautionDamage caused by impropermaintenance can lead to costlyrepairs and may not be covered bythe vehicle warranty. Maintenanceintervals, checks, inspections,recommended fluids, and lubricantsare important to keep the vehicle ingood working condition.Do not have chemical flushes thatare not approved by GM performedon the vehicle. The use of flushes,solvents, cleaners, or lubricants thatare not approved by GM coulddamage the vehicle, requiringexpensive repairs that are notcovered by the vehicle warranty.The Tire Rotation and RequiredServices are the responsibility of thevehicle owner. It is recommended tohave your dealer perform theseservices every 12 000 km/7,500 mi.Proper vehicle maintenance helps tokeep the vehicle in good workingcondition, improves fuel economy, andreduces vehicle emissions.Because of the way people usevehicles, maintenance needs vary.There may need to be more frequentchecks and services. The AdditionalRequired Services - Normal are forvehicles that:. Carry passengers and cargo withinrecommended limits on the Tireand Loading Information label. SeeVehicle Load Limits 0 185.. Are driven on reasonable roadsurfaces within legal driving limits.. Use the recommended fuel. SeeFuel 0 239.Refer to the information in theMaintenance Schedule AdditionalRequired Services - Normal chart.The Additional Required Services -Severe are for vehicles that are:. Mainly driven in heavy city trafficin hot weather. Mainly driven in hilly ormountainous terrain. Frequently towing a trailer. Used for high speed or competitivedriving. Used for taxi, police, or deliveryserviceRefer to the information in theMaintenance Schedule AdditionalRequired Services - Severe chart.{ WarningPerforming maintenance work canbe dangerous and can cause seriousinjury. Perform maintenance workonly if the required information,proper tools, and equipment areavailable. If they are not, see yourdealer to have a trained techniciando the work. See Doing Your OwnService Work 0 251.