156 LIGHTINGPress the lamp lenses over the rearpassenger doors.Lighting FeaturesEntry LightingSome exterior lamps and most of theinterior lights turn on briefly at nightwhen K is pressed on the RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. SeeRemote Keyless Entry (RKE) SystemOperation 0 30. After about 30 secondsthe exterior lamps turn off, then theremaining interior lights dim to off.Entry lighting can be disabledmanually by turning the ignition on orto ACC/ACCESSORY, or by pressing Qon the RKE transmitter.This feature can be turned on or off.See “Vehicle Locator Lights” underVehicle Personalization 0 142.Exit LightingSome exterior lamps and interiorlights come on at night, or in areaswith limited lighting, when the driverdoor is opened after the ignition isturned off. The dome lamp comes onafter the ignition is turned off. Theexterior lamps and dome lamp remainon for a set amount of time, thenautomatically turn off.The exterior lamps turn offimmediately by turning the exteriorlamp control off.This feature can be changed. SeeVehicle Personalization 0 142.Battery Load ManagementThe vehicle has Electric PowerManagement (EPM), which estimatesthe battery's temperature and state ofcharge. It then adjusts the voltage forbest performance and extended life ofthe battery.When the battery's state of charge islow, the voltage is raised slightly toquickly bring the charge back up.When the state of charge is high, thevoltage is lowered slightly to preventovercharging. If the vehicle has avoltmeter gauge or a voltage displayon the Driver Information Center(DIC), you may see the voltage moveup or down. This is normal. If there isa problem, an alert will be displayed.