Operation Manual – VLANH3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 3 GVRP Configuration3-4Field Description ValueAttributeConsists of an AttributeLength, an AttributeEvent, and an AttributeValue––Attribute LengthNumber of octetsoccupied by an attribute,inclusive of the attributelength field2 to 255 (in bytes)Attribute Event Event described by theattribute0: LeaveAll event1: JoinEmpty event2: JoinIn event3: LeaveEmpty event4: LeaveIn event5: Empty eventAttribute Value Attribute valueVLAN ID for GVRPIf the Attribute Event isLeaveAll, Attribute Valueis omitted.End Mark Indicates the end of aGARP PDU 0x003.1.2 GVRPGVRP enables a device to propagate local VLAN registration information to otherparticipant devices and dynamically update the VLAN registration information fromother devices to its local database about active VLAN members and through which portthey can be reached. It thus ensures that all GVRP participants on a bridged LANmaintain the same VLAN registration information. The VLAN registration informationpropagated by GVRP includes both manually configured local static entries anddynamic entries from other devices.GVRP provides the following three registration types on a port:z Normal –– Enables the port to dynamically register and deregister VLANs, and topropagate both dynamic and static VLAN information.z Fixed –– Disables the port to dynamically register and deregister VLANs orpropagate information about dynamic VLANs, but allows the port to propagateinformation about static VLANs. A trunk port with fixed registration type thus allowsonly manually configured VLANs to pass through even though it is configured tocarry all VLANs.z Forbidden –– Disables the port to dynamically register and deregister VLANs, andto propagate VLAN information except information about VLAN 1. A trunk port with