Operation Manual – LoginH3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 2 Logging in Through the Console Port2-6Authentication modeConsole port loginconfiguration DescriptionSpecify toperform localauthenticationor RADIUSauthenticationAAAconfigurationspecifieswhether toperform localauthenticationor RADIUSauthenticationOptionalLocal authentication isperformed by default.Refer to theAAA-RADIUS-HWTACACSmodule for more.Configureuser nameand passwordConfigure usernames andpasswords forlocal/remoteusersRequiredz The user name andpassword of a local userare configured on theswitch.z The user name andpassword of a remote userare configured on theDADIUS server. Refer touser manual of RADIUSserver for more.Manage AUXusersSet servicetype for AUXusersRequiredSchemePerformcommonconfigurationPerformcommonconfigurationfor Consoleport loginOptionalRefer to section 2.3.1“Common Configuration” formore.Note:Changes of the authentication mode of Console port login will not take effect unlessyou exit and enter again the CLI.2.4 Console Port Login Configuration with AuthenticationMode Being None2.4.1 Configuration ProcedureTo do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter AUX user interfaceview user-interface aux 0 —