Operation Manual – IPv4 RoutingH3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 3 OSPF Configuration3-37Note:With this command configured, when network changes are not frequent, LSAs aregenerated at the minimum-interval. If network changes become frequent, LSAgeneration interval is incremented by incremental-interval•2n-2 (n is the number ofgeneration times) each time a generation occurs, up to the maximum-interval.3.7.7 Disabling Interfaces from Sending OSPF PacketsFollow these steps to disable interfaces from sending routing information:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter OSPF viewospf [ process-id |router-id router-id |vpn-instanceinstance-name ] *—Disable interfaces fromsending OSPF packetssilent-interface { all |interface-typeinterface-number }OptionalNot disabled by defaultNote:z Different OSPF processes can disable the same interface from sending OSPFpackets. Use of the silent-interface command disables only the interfacesassociated with the current process rather than interfaces associated with otherprocesses.z After an OSPF interface is set to silent, other interfaces on the router can stilladvertise direct routes of the interface in Router LSAs, but no OSPF packet can beadvertised for the interface to find a neighbor. This configuration can enhanceadaptability of OSPF networking and reduce resource consumption.3.7.8 Configuring Stub RoutersA stub router is used for traffic control. It tells other OSPF routers not to use it to forwarddata, but they can have a route to it.The Router LSAs from the stub router may contain different link type values. A value of3 means a link to the stub network, so the cost of the link remains unchanged. A valueof 1, 2 or 4 means a point-to-point link, a link to a transit network or a virtual link. In suchcases, a maximum cost value of 65535 is used. Thus, other neighbors find the links to