Operation Manual – ARPH3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 ARP Configuration1-8To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enable ARP sourcesuppressionarp source-suppressionenableRequiredDisabled by default.Set the maximum numberof packets with the samesource IP address butunresolvable destinationIP addresses that thedevice can receive in fivesecondsarp source-suppressionlimit limit-valueOptional10 by default.1.5 Displaying and Maintaining ARPTo do… Use the command… RemarksDisplay the ARP entries inthe ARP mapping tabledisplay arp { { all |dynamic | static } | vlanvlan-id | interfaceinterface-typeinterface-number }[ [ verbose ] [ | { begin |exclude | include } text ] |count ]Available in any viewDisplay the ARP entriesfor a specified IP addressdisplay arp ip-address[ verbose ] [ | { begin |exclude | include } text ]Available in any viewDisplay the ARP entriesfor a specified VPNinstancedisplay arpvpn-instancevpn-instance-name [ |{ begin | exclude |include } text | count ]Available in any viewDisplay the aging time fordynamic ARP entries display arp timer aging Available in any viewDisplay the configurationinformation of ARP sourcesuppressiondisplay arpsource-suppression Available in any viewClear ARP entries fromthe ARP mapping tablereset arp { all | dynamic |static | interfaceinterface-typeinterface-number }Available in user view