Operation Manual – MCEH3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 2 MCE Configuration2-9Operation Command DescriptionConfigure to import routesimport-route protocol[ process-id ] [ medmed-value | route-policyroute-policy-name ] *OptionalThe site must advertisethe addresses of thereachable VPN segmentsto the MCE connected tothe site.Note:In a VPN instance with BGP enabled, the BGP route exchange is processed in thesame way as those in a normal BGP-enabled network.2.3 Configuring Route Exchange between a MCE and a PE2.3.1 Configuring Route Exchange between a MCE and a PETable 2-13 Configure route exchange between a MCE and a PEOperation Description Related sectionDefine a static route for aVPN instanceSee 2.3.2 Configuring to UseStatic Routes between a MCE anda PEConfigure to use RIPbetween a MCE and a PESee 2.3.3 Configuring to Use RIPbetween a MCE and a PEConfigure to use OSPFbetween a MCE and a PESee 2.3.4 Configuring to UseOSPF between a MCE and a PEConfigure to use IS-ISbetween a MCE and a PESee 2.3.5 Configure to Use IS-ISbetween a MCE and a PEConfigure to use EBGPbetween a MCE and a PEYou can chooseone or multipleconfigurations asrequired.See 2.3.6 Configure to UseEBGP between a MCE and a PE