Operation Manual – NQAH3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 NQA Configuration1-13Failures due to Disconnect: 0Failures due to No Connection: 0Failures due to Sequence Error: 0Failures due to Internal Error: 0Failures due to Other Errors: 01.2.5 Configuring the Jitter TestCaution:You are not recommended to perform an NQA jitter test on ports from 1 to 1023 (knownports). Otherwise, the NQA test will fail or the corresponding services of this port will beunavailable.The jitter test is used to take statistics of delay jitter of UDP packet transmission. Delayjitter refers to the difference between the interval of receiving two packets consecutivelyand the interval of sending these two packets. During the test, the source port sendsdata packets to the destination port at regular intervals. The destination port affixes atime stamp to each packet that it receives and then sends it back to the source port.After the source port receives the data packet, the delay jitter can be calculated.To improve the accuracy of the statistics results, you must send multiple test packetswhen you perform a test. The more test packets are sent, the more accurate thestatistics results are. However, it takes a longer time to complete the test. You canquicken a jitter test by reducing the interval of sending test packets. However, doing sowill cause an impact on the network.The error in the statistics results of a jitter test is big since there is a delay in bothsending and receiving data packets.A jitter test requires cooperation between the NQA server and the NQA client. You mustconfigure the UDP listening function on the NQA server, and a destination address anda destination port on the NQA client, and ensure that the destination address anddestination port on the NQA client are respectively the listening IP address and port onthe NQA server.I. Configuration procedure1) Configure the NQA serverFollow these steps to configure the NQA server for a jitter test: