Operation Manual – VLANH3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches Chapter 1 VLAN Configuration1-7Table 1-1 How a port handles inbound/outbound packetsInbound packets handlingPort type If no tag iscarried in thepacketIf a tag is carried in thepacketOutbound packetshandlingAccess Portz Receive the packet ifits VLAN ID is thesame as the defaultVLAN IDz Discard the packet ifits VLAN ID isdifferent from thedefault VLAN IDStrip the Tag andsend the packet asthe VLAN ID is thesame with the defaultVLAN IDTrunk portz Strip the Tag andsend the packet ifthe VLAN ID is thesame as thedefault VLAN IDz Keep the tag andsend the packet ifthe VLAN ID is notthe same as thedefault VLAN IDbut allowed topass through theportHybrid portTag the packetwith the defaultVLAN IDz Receive the packet ifthe VLAN ID is thesame as the defaultVLAN ID and theVLAN ID is in the listof permitted VLANs ofthe portz Receive the packet ifthe VLAN ID is not thesame as the defaultVLAN ID but isallowed to passthrough the portz Discard the packet ifthe VLAN ID is neitherthe same as thedefault VLAN ID norallowed to passthrough the portSend the packet if theVLAN ID is allowed topass through the port.Use the port hybridvlan command toconfigure whether theport keeps or stripsthe tags whensending packets of aVLAN (includingdefault VLAN).Note:A port handles traffic according to Table 1-1 by default. With VLAN check disabled, theport will handle inbound packets in a way different from that described in the table.III. VLAN checkTable 1-1 shows how a port handles traffic by default where VLAN check is enabled.However, in some cases, on a selective-QinQ-enabled port for example, VLAN check is