PRINTING WITH THE 4213Reading the XES font status sheetThe XES Font Status Sheet lists all the fonts that are currentlyloaded and available for use with the emulation:• The font number is assigned by the printer to each font set.A font is selected through the menu by its unique fontnumber. The numbers 1 through 4 are assigned to the fourresident font sets:1: Titan10iso-P2: Titan12iso-P3: XCP14iso-L4: XCP125iso-L• The font name identifies the font set. An example of a fontname is as follows:Titan12iso-P: Resident font number 2Titan Represents the typeface12 Represents the characters per inchiso Represents the InternationalStandards Organisation (ISOencoding scheme)-P Represents print orientation (-P=Portrait, -L=Landscape).Note: Printer commands are case-sensitive. Upper-case andlower-case letters must be exact. Enter the entire printercommand when selecting a font.Additional fonts can be purchased in cartridge or downloadableform.• Fonts are grouped on the status sheet according to their fontsource. Fonts are listed in the following order:—Resident fonts—Left or Right Cartridge fonts, if present—Downloaded fonts, if present.Note: Downloaded fonts are removed from the memory of theprinter if you switch the printer off and when you changeemulations. When downloaded fonts are deleted, the defaultfont is the active font for the printer.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE 4-9