GLOSSARYpage orientation Direction in which data is printed on a page. Refer to landscapepage orientation and portrait page or side Refers to the side 1 or 2 of a sheet.parallel interface A type of interface between a printer and its host in which data istransmitted and received in bytes rather than bits. Used for localprinting over short distances (25 feet, 7.63 metres, or less).parity The addition of a check bit to data information in order to verifythe accuracy of the information.photoreceptor The photoreceptor or print drum is found in the replaceable printcartridge and is used to form letter or line images on documents.pixel Abbreviation for “picture element.” The smallest unit of agraphic image. An unmagnified pixel is 1/300 inch (.08 mm). Apixel is also referred to as a dot or a spot. It is the smallestaddressable point of a bit-mapped screen that can beindependently assigned colour and intensity.portrait page orientation A page orientation in which the image runs parallel to the shortedge of the paper. Portrait refers to printing across the width ofa page (letter style). This is the opposite of landscapeorientation which is printing across the length of the page. Theterm “portrait” is derived from portraits of people, which areusually vertical in format.print cartridge The print (photoreceptor) cartridge contains a photosensitive“print drum” used in the printing process. The cartridge isdisposable.print density Print density refers to the relative darkness of print on the page.Very dense print appears totally black. Less dense print lookslighter, and solid filled areas may not be totally black. You canadjust print density in the printer.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE GLOSSARY-5