USING THE 4213 MENUSLanguageThe Language menu item determines which language is used inthe printed output. The language translation table selectionensures the correct national character mappings are in use.The Language menu item options are listed below as they appearon the message display:LANGUAGEU.S. ENGLISH* (U.S. ENGLISH, U.K. ENGLISH, FRENCH,DUTCH, SPANISH, ITALIAN, DANISH, NORWEGIAN,FINNISH, GERMAN, SWEDISH, BELGIUM, FRENCHCANADIAN, PORTUGUESE, LATIN AMERICAN, CARTRIDGE 1(translate table within cartridge 1, U.S. English if no cartridgeor table in cartridge) or CARTRIDGE 2 (translate table withincartridge 1, U.S. English if no cartridge or table in cartridge))Format MarginsWhen in the XES emulation, this menu item allows you to selectwhether or not the emulation will use default margins, or not tohave any margins at all. If this item is set to DEFAULT, thepreviously defined default margins for the paper size in the papertrays are in place. Refer to Xerox 4213 Laser Printer EscapeSequences Reference for detailed information on margins.If this item is set to OVERRIDE, the top, bottom and left marginare set to 0; the right margin is set to the width of the paper.Text prints to the four edges of the paper. The horizontal andvertical tabs start from the paper edge. New margin values forpage formatting can be set through the OVERRIDE option.Values are entered in pixels (1/300 inch) based upon page origin(0,0) at the upper left corner.The options in the Format Margins menu are listed below as theyappear on the message display:FORMAT MARGINSDEFAULT* (DEFAULT or OVERRIDE)3-30 XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE