XEROX COAX/TWINAX OPTIONPage Width (Maximum Print Position):This menu option selects the default horizontal position on thepage where the last character is printed. The Maximum PrintPosition is measured from the left margin and not from the pageedge.PAGE WIDTH132* (001-255)Line Spacing:This menu option selects the default value for the number ofspaces between lines.SPACINGSINGLE* (SINGLE or DOUBLE)Form Feed Usage:This menu option allows Form Feeds from the host to be passedto the printer when disabled. When enabled, host Form Feedswill be converted into the number of line feeds required to reachthe end of the page. Therefore, page length will be used tocalculate the number of line feeds required. Page length is set atthe control panel, but can be overridden by the IBM Set VerticalFormat command when operating in the SCS mode.FF USAGEDISABLED* (DISABLED or ENABLED)Note: This option is not available when the 4045 model 20printer emulation is selected.Automatic New Page:This menu option lets you decide whether or not the Last LineFeed on a page can act as a Form Feed. When enabled, thenumber of lines on the page will be counted. When the linecount equals the page length, a form feed will be generated.When disabled, no additional Form Feeds will be inserted. Againcalculations will be based upon the page length which can be setat the control panel and overridden by the appropriate IBMcommand when operating in the SCS mode.This menu option should be set to disabled when XES is in use.Otherwise, the new line commands required to terminate someXES commands may cause unwanted form feeds.AUTO NEW PAGEENABLED* (ENABLED or DISABLED)XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE A3-31