XEROX COAX/TWINAX OPTIONHigh Capacity Feeder orientation:This menu option lets you define the default page orientation forthe high capacity feeder orientation.HCF TRAY ORIENTCOR* (COR, PORTRAIT, or LANDSCAPE)LanguageThis menu option lets you use the control panel to select thedefault language of the printed output provided the XESemulation is set up for ISO6937 data encoding.LANGUAGEMULTINATIONAL* (MULTINATIONAL, ITALIAN, JAPANESELATIN, SPANISH, SPANISH SPEAK, PORTUGUESE, OCR,DANISH NORWEGN, US ENGLISH, UK ENGLISH, GERMANAUSTRIAN, BELGIAN, BRAZILIAN, FRENCH CANADIAN,FINNISH SWEDISH, or FRENCH)Note: Refer to the Xerox Coax/Twinax (XCTO) ReferenceManual for details of these character sets.Special FeaturesThis menu option lets you select the level of Special Features youwish the XCTO to support.SPECIAL FEATURESDISABLED* (DISABLED, STM XEROX, STM RANK XEROX, or FULLFEATURES)Note: STM means Special Transparent Mode. Refer to the XeroxCoax/Twinax (XCTO) Reference Manual for information onSpecial Features.IBM UtilitiesThe IBM Utilities menu has three options. They are the PrintConfiguration, Print Table, and Data MonitorXEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE A3-63