XEROX COAX/TWINAX OPTIONReading the Coax translate tablesThe printed translate tables show how EBCDIC character codesare translated into ISO/ASCII characters before being sent to the4213. Therefore, these tables are not relevant when the XCTO isoperating in its EBCDIC mode.Each translate table printed out will have three columns. Eachcolumn consists of a sequence of characters similar to thoseshown below:CFh : C4 6FThe characters to the left of the colon represent a hexadecimalEBCDIC code point. In the above example, the EBCDIC codepoint is X‘CF‘ which corresponds to the boxed character shownin the left margin. The characters to the right of the colonrepresent the hexadecimal code points which constitute therequired character in ISO/ASCII.Certain special features available on the XCTO will allow you tocustomise this translation process, if required. For furtherinformation, refer to the Xerox Coax/Twinax (XCTO) ReferenceManual.Printing with PCIA Dump featureThe PCIA (Printer Control Input Area) dump is a diagnostics toolsimilar to the printer data monitor. Like the printer data monitor,it also prints the hexadecimal value of the data received, but itprints exactly what the host transmits to the buffer. It may helpto think of a PCIA buffer dump as a snapshot of the buffer duringa print order.A service representative or systems analyst may use a PCIA bufferdump to determine the host escape sequences or to see whatthe host is sending to the buffer. To the person who is nottrained to decode the printout, this sophisticated tool ismeaningless. However, if you are having a problem, contact theXerox support personnel.Follow steps 1 through 8 for “Printing a Coax configurationsheet” (the display reads IBM UTILITIES/PRINT CONFIG), thenpress the Last Page C button until the display reads IBMUTILITIES/DATA MONITOR. Now press the Test B button todisplay data monitor options. The display reads DATAMONITOR/NONE*. Next press the Last Page C button to displayDATA MONITOR/PCIA DUMP. To select the PCIA dump option,press the Select D button. Put the printer back online bypressing the Online H button. Files sent to the printer now willprint in the format shown in figure A3-17.A3-52 XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE