TROUBLESHOOTINGPaper transport problemsTable 6-2 details the problems and possible solutions when thereis a problem with the paper transport.Note: When attempting to find a solution to a paper transportproblem, ensure to go through each of the check points listedfor the table entry.Table 6-2. Paper transport problems and solutionsProblem Check point Possible solutionFrequent paper jams Is paper damp? Yes? Use paper from a newpackage.Is paper in paper tray creasedor wrinkled?Yes? Remove creased or wrinkledpaper or use paper from anew package.Is paper tray correctlyinstalled?No? Install the paper traycorrectly.Are paper fragments orforeign objects left insideprinter?Yes? Open the top cover anddoors; remove fragments orforeign objects.Is paper in paper tray of thespecified type?No? Use paper of the specifiedtype.Yes? Call your local Rank Xeroxservice representative.Paper jam occurs too often. Is paper installed correctly inpaper tray?No? Remove the paper trays andmake sure that the paper isunder the paper snubbers.Yes? Call your local Rank Xeroxservice representative.Prints are creased or wrinkledtoo often.Is paper damp? Yes? Use paper from a newpackage.Is paper in the paper traycreased or wrinkled ordamaged in any way?Yes? Remove the creased orwrinkled paper, or use paperfrom a new package.6-6 XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE