ADJUSTABLE TRAYUsing the adjustable paper trayThe optional adjustable tray has two sliding paper guides on theinside of the tray and a magnetic (type magnet) identifier on theoutside wall of the tray. The tray may be used with ten differentpaper sizes. The size used is selected via the Main Menu. Inorder to simplify repetitive changes of size, the type magnet onthe tray is used to identify the tray as the A tray or B tray. The Atray and B tray settings may each be configured to a specialpaper size with the menu, enabling you to switch between thetwo sizes without using the the menu each time.Notes • There is a clear guide on the pop-up bottom of theadjustable paper tray. Do not remove this guide.• It is strongly recommended you set the correct paper size inthe adjustable tray menu and then insert the adjustable traywhile you are still off line. Failure to do so may cause paperjams and a recurring query on the user interface asking forpaper size.Loading paper in the adjustable trayThis section provides information on how to load the paper andhow to position the type magnet before inserting the paper tray.Notes • Although the inactive paper tray may be loaded while the4213 laser printer is printing, removing the active paper traycan cause a paper jam. Tray 1 cannot be removed while 2-sided printing is in progress.A1-2 XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE