USING THE 4213 MENUS• 2 FULL - Two full page buffers guarantee imaging for 2-sidedprinting because complete assembly of the image in memoryis done before imaging and printing begins. Two full buffersrequire 2.2 MB of memory. Page sizes involve (2 pageseach):— 8 x 10— Executive— 215 x 275— Letter— A4• 1 FULL LONG - One full long page buffer guarantees imagingfor 1-sided printing because complete assembly of the imagein memory is done before imaging and printing begins. Thismode reduces the risk of complexity errors at the possiblecost in speed of printing. A full long buffer requires 1.4 MBof memory. Page sizes involve:— 215 x 315— 210 x 330— 8 x 13— 8.5 x 13— Legal• 2 FULL LONG - Two full long page buffers guarantee imagingfor 2-sided printing because complete assembly of the imagein memory is done before imaging and printing begins. Twofull long buffers require 2.8 MB of memory. Page sizesinvolve (2 pages each):— 215 x 315— 210 x 330— 8 x 13— 8.5 x 13— LegalThe options in the Page Buffers menu are listed below as theyappear on the message display:PAGE BUFFERSPARTIAL* (PARTIAL, 1 FULL, 2 FULL, 1 FULL LONG or 2FULL LONG)Note: Buffer overflow in the XES or LJ2D emulation may result inoverprinting if the 4213 is not configured correctly. When thishappens, the next page printed contains unexpected material.XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE 3-29