ADJUSTABLE TRAY7. Slide the type magnet (top) either to the right (A) or left (B)position. The type magnet is located at the back of the leftoutside wall of the paper tray. The control panel is used toassign a particular paper size with either the A Tray or the BTray. Moving the type magnet to the A or B position tellsthe printer what paper size to expect.Note: The A or B magnet setting can be convenient to usewhen you frequently load two sizes of paper in theadjustable cassette or need to load two cassettes at thesame time. You can avoid using UI keystrokes bydesignating A as one size of paper or cassette and Breferring to another paper size or cassette. You can makeyour selection by either moving the magnet position thusavoiding UI keystrokes or by selecting the different cassettesusing the UI.8. Place the filled adjustable paper tray all the way into thelower (tray 2) tray slot. Make sure the end of the paper traywith the snubbers goes in first. Push it gently into positionuntil it clicks into place.9. If you have changed the paper size, you must use thecontrol panel to identify the paper size of the adjustabletray.10. Send your print job from the host computer designating tray2 as the current feed tray.A1-6 XEROX 4213 LASER PRINTER USER GUIDE