respectively. It is up to the TCP client to decide which PMUREPORT function blockshall communicate with that client. Upon successful reception of the first command bythe IED, the PMU ID will be extracted out of the command; if there is a PMUREPORTinstance configured in the IED with matching PMU ID, then the client connection overTCP with the IED will be established and further communication will take place.Otherwise, the connection will be terminated and the TCPCtrlCfgErrCnt isincremented in the PMU Diagnostics on the Local HMI under Main menu/Diagnostics/Communication/PMU diagnostics/PMUSTATUS:1It is possible to turn off/on the TCP data communication by sending a IEEE1344 orC37.118 command frame remotely from the client to the PMU containing RTDOFF/RTDON command.At any given point of time maximum of 8 TCP clients can be connected to the IED forIEEE1344/C37.118 protocol. If there is an attempt made by the 9th client, theconnection to the new client will be terminated without influencing the connection ofthe other clients already connected. A list of active clients can be seen on the LocalHMI in the diagnostics menu under Main menu/Diagnostics/Communication/PMUdiagnostics/PMUSTATUS: Short guidance for use of UDP GUID-F5BCBBF7-4EED-4E79-9E86-AF046D201BB1 v3The IED supports maximum of 6 concurrent UDP streams. They can be individuallyconfigured to send IEEE1344 or C37.118 data frames as unicast / multicast. Note that[x] at the end of each parameter is referring to the UDP stream number (UDP clientgroup) and is a number between 1 and 6. Each of the 6 UDP groups in the IED has thefollowing settings:1. SendDataUDP[x] – Enable / disable UDP data stream2. ProtocolOnUDP[x] – Send IEEE1344 or C37.118 on UDP3. PMUReportUDP[x] – Instance number of PMUREPORT function block that mustsend data on this UDP stream (UDP client group[x])4. UDPDestAddres[x] – UDP destination address for UDP client group[x] (unicast /multicast address range)5. UDPDestPort[x] – UDP destination port number for UDP client group[x]6. TCPportUDPdataCtrl[x] – TCP port to control of data sent over UDP clientgroup[x], i.e. to receive commands and send configuration frames7. SendCfgOnUDP[x] – Send configuration frame 2 (CFG-2) on UDP for clientgroup[x]It is possible to turn off/on the UDP data communication either by setting theparameter SendDataUDP[x] to Disable/Enable locally in the PMU or by sending aC37.118 or IEEE1344 command frame (RTDOFF/RTDON) remotely from the client tothe PMU as defined in IEEE 1344/C37.118 standard.Section 6 1MRK 511 408-UUS AWide area measurement system106 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 ANSITechnical manual