21.4.5 Settings GUID-ECE18AA9-15CC-4522-AA31-78C4F0F052E4 v3The function does not have any parameters available in Local HMI or in Protection andControl IED Manager (PCM600)21.4.6 Operation principle SEMOD158543-4 v5Authority status (ATHSTAT) function informs about two events related to the IED andthe user authorization:• the fact that at least one user has tried to log on wrongly into the IED and it wasblocked (the output USRBLKED)• the fact that at least one user is logged on (the output LOGGEDON)Whenever one of the two events occurs, the corresponding output (USRBLKED orLOGGEDON) is activated. The output can for example, be connected on Event(EVENT) function block for LON/SPA.The signals are also available on IEC 61850station bus.21.5 Self supervision with internal event list INTERRSIG IP1721-1 v221.5.1 Functionality M11399-3 v7Self supervision with internal event list function listens and reacts to internal systemevents, generated by the different built-in self-supervision elements. The internalevents are saved in an internal event list presented on the LHMI and in PCM600 eventviewer tool.21.5.2 Function block M11402-3 v6INTERRSIGFAILWARNINGTSYN CERRRTCERRSTUPBLKIEC09000787-2-en.vsdxIEC09000787 V2 EN-USFigure 289: INTERRSIG function blockSection 21 1MRK 511 408-UUS ASecurity752 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 ANSITechnical manual