15.6.6 Operation principle GUID-72B1B4E8-BC6C-4AF7-8B41-058241B944F8 v2The logic for group indication INDCALH block is provided with 16 input signals and1 IND output signal. The function block incorporates internal logic OR gate in order toprovide grouping of connected input signals to the output IND signal from the functionblock.When any one of 16 input signals (INPUT1 to INPUT16) has logical value 1, the INDoutput signal will get logical value 1.The function has a drop-off delay of 200 ms when all inputs are reset to provide asteady signal.IND1ANSI13000193-1-en.vsdINPUT1INPUT16200 ms0ANSI13000193 V1 EN-US15.6.7 Technical dataGUID-EAA43288-01A5-49CF-BF5B-9ABF6DC27D85 v1Table 253:Number of INDCALH instancesFunction Quantity with cycle time3 ms 8 ms 100 msINDCALH - 5 -15.7 Basic configurable logic blocks M11396-4 v16The basic configurable logic blocks do not propagate the time stamp and quality ofsignals (have no suffix QT at the end of their function name). A number of logic blocksand timers are always available as basic for the user to adapt the configuration to thespecific application needs. The list below shows a summary of the function blocks andtheir features.These logic blocks are also available as part of an extension logic package with thesame number of instances.Section 15 1MRK 511 408-UUS ALogic430 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 ANSITechnical manual