Function Range or value AccuracyMaximum number of binary inputs 352 -Maximum number of phasors in the TripValue recorder per recording30 -Maximum number of indications in adisturbance report352 -Maximum number of events in the Eventrecording per recording150 -Maximum number of events in theSequence of events1000, first in - first out -Maximum total recording time (3.4 srecording time and maximum number ofchannels, typical value)340 seconds (100 recordings)at 50 Hz, 280 seconds (80recordings) at 60 Hz-Sampling rate 1 kHz at 50 Hz1.2 kHz at 60 Hz-Recording bandwidth (5-300) Hz -16.7 Logical signal status report BINSTATREPGUID-E7A2DB38-DD96-4296-B3D5-EB7FBE77CE07 v216.7.1 Identification GUID-E0247779-27A2-4E6C-A6DD-D4C31516CA5C v3Function description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberLogical signal status report BINSTATREP - -16.7.2 Functionality GUID-A72E490D-01F7-4874-B010-8BDE38391D88 v3The Logical signal status report (BINSTATREP) function makes it possible for a SPAmaster to poll signals from various other functions.Section 16 1MRK 511 408-UUS AMonitoring580 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 ANSITechnical manual