22.5 Product information PRODINF GUID-F67243CA-2429-4118-BBFF-3D62BF55E080 v222.5.1 Functionality GUID-D78786E6-C34A-4E63-9D1E-0582C8F1F7E1 v8Product information contains unchangeable data that uniquely identifies the IED.Product information data is visible on the local HMI under Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product identifiers and under Main menu/Diagnostics/IEDStatus/Identifiers:• ProductVer• ProductDef• FirmwareVer• SerialNo• OrderingNo• ProductionDate• IEDProdTypeThis information is very helpful when interacting with ABB product support (forexample during repair and maintenance).22.5.2 Settings GUID-168CD792-8811-43B5-8760-74ED82DE17F7 v4The function does not have any parameters available in the local HMI or PCM600.22.5.3 Factory defined settings M11789-39 v10The factory defined settings are very useful for identifying a specific version and veryhelpful in the case of maintenance, repair, interchanging IEDs between differentSubstation Automation Systems and upgrading. The factory made settings can not bechanged by the customer. They can only be viewed. The settings are found in the localHMI under Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product identifiersThe following identifiers are available:• IEDProdType• Describes the type of the IED. Example: REL670• ProductDef• Describes the release number from the production. Example: 2.1.0• FirmwareVerSection 22 1MRK 511 408-UUS ABasic IED functions780 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 ANSITechnical manual