16.2.6 Monitored dataPID-6950-MONITOREDDATA v5Table 402:SSIMG Monitored dataName Type Values (Range) Unit DescriptionPRESSURE REAL - - Pressure service valueTEMP REAL - deg Temperature of the insulationmedium16.2.7 Operation principle GUID-359458EA-FFAA-4A44-A8E8-9469CA069C80 v7Gas medium supervision SSIMG (63) is used to monitor the gas pressure in the circuitbreaker. Binary inputs of gas density SENPRESALM, SENPRESLO, and gas pressuresignal SENPRES, are taken into account to initiate the alarm PRESALM and thelockout PRESLO. When SENPRES is less than PresAlmLimit or binary signal fromCB SENPRESALM is high, the gas pressure alarm PRESALM will be initiated.Similarly, if pressure input SENPRES is less than PresLOLimit or binary signal fromCB SENPRESLO is high, PRESLO will be initiated.There may be sudden change in pressure of the gas for a very small time, for which thefunction need not to initiate any alarm. To avoid the intermittent alarm, two time delaystPressureAlarm or tPressureLO have been included. If the pressure goes below thesettings for more than these time delays, the corresponding alarm PRESALM orlockout PRESLO will be initiated. The SETPLO binary input is used for setting the gaspressure lockout PRESLO. The PRESLO output retains the last value until it is reset byusing the binary input RESETLO. The binary input BLKALM can be used to block thealarms, and the BLOCK input can block both alarm and the lockout indications.Temperature of the medium is available from the input signal of temperature. Thesignal is monitored to detect high temperature.When temperature input SENTEMP is above TempAlarmLimit, temperature alarmTEMPALM will be initiated. Similarly, if temperature input SENTEMP is aboveTempLOLimit, temperature lockout TEMPLO will be initiated.There may be sudden change in temperature of the medium for a very small time, forwhich the function need not to initiate any alarm. To avoid the intermittent alarm, twotime delays tTempAlarm or tTempLockOut have been included. If the temperature goesabove the settings for more than these time delays, the corresponding alarmTEMPALM or lockout TEMPLO will be initiated. The SETTLO binary input is usedfor setting the temperature lockout TEMPLO. The TEMPLO output retains the lastvalue until it is reset by using the binary input RESETLO. The binary input BLKALMcan be used to block the alarms, and the BLOCK input can block both alarm and thelockout indications.1MRK 511 408-UUS A Section 16MonitoringPhasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 ANSI 527Technical manual