Time Accumulationwith RetainBLOCKACC_HOURRESETINtWarningtAlarmOVERFLOWWARNINGALARMq-1a>baba>baba>bab&&&q-1 = unit delay IEC15000321-1-en.vsdACC_DAY99 999.9 htAddToTimeADDTIMEIEC15000321 V1 EN-USFigure 234: TEILGAPC logicsThe main features of TEILGAPC are:• Applicable to very long time accumulation (≤ 99999.9 hours)• Supervision of limit transgression conditions and rollover/overflow• Possibility to define a warning and alarm with the resolution of 0.1 hours• Retain any saved accumulation value at a restart• Possibilities for blocking and reset• Possibility for manual addition of accumulated time• Reporting of the accumulated time16.10.3 Function block GUID-D0E9688B-C9D9-44B7-BD95-81132CCA5E4F v1TEILGAPCBLOCKINADDTIMERESETALARMWARNINGOVERFLOWACC_HOURACC_DAYIEC15000323.vsdxIEC15000323 V1 EN-USFigure 235: TEILGAPC function blockSection 16 1MRK 511 408-UUS AMonitoring590 Phasor measurement unit RES670 2.2 ANSITechnical manual