14-43 Motor CosphiRange: Function:0.66N/A*[0.40 -0.95N/A]NOTICEThis parameter is not active whenparameter 1-10 Motor Construction is setto [1] PM, non-salient SPM.The Cos(phi) setpoint is automatically set tooptimum AEO performance during AMA. Undernormal circumstances, do NOT alter thisparameter. However, in some situations it maybe necessary to enter a new value to fine-tune.3.13.6 14-5* EnvironmentNOTICEPerform a power cycle after changing any of theparameters in parameter group 14-5* Environment.These parameters help the frequency converter to operateunder special environmental conditions.14-50 RFI FilterOption: Function:[0] Off Select [0] Off only when the frequency converter issupplied from an isolated mains source, that is, ITmains. In this mode, the internal RFI capacities (filtercapacitors) between chassis and the mains RFI filtercircuit is cut off to avoid damage to the DC link andto reduce the ground capacity currents (according toIEC 61800-3).[1] * On Select [1] On to ensure that the frequency convertercomplies with EMC standards.14-51 DC-Link CompensationOption: Function:The rectified AC-DC voltage in the frequency converter'sDC link is associated with voltage ripples. These ripplescan increase in magnitude with increased load. Theseripples are undesirable because they can generatecurrent and torque ripples. A compensation method isused to reduce these voltage ripples in the DC link. Ingeneral, DC-link compensation is recommended formost applications, but pay attention when operating infield weakening as it can generate speed oscillations atthe motor shaft. In field weakening, turn off DC-linkcompensation.[0] Off Disables DC-link compensation.[1] On Enables DC-link compensation.14-52 Fan ControlOption: Function:Select the minimum speed of the main fan.14-52 Fan ControlOption: Function:[0] * Auto Select [0] Auto to run the fan only when theinternal temperature of the frequencyconverter is in the range 35 °C (95 °F) toapproximately 55 °C (131 °F). The fan runs atlow speed at 35 °C (95 °F) and at full speedat approximately 55 °C (131 °F).[1] On 50%[2] On 75%[3] On 100%[4] Auto (Lowtemp env.)14-53 Fan MonitorOption: Function:Select the frequency converter action if a fanfault is detected.[0] Disabled[1] * Warning[2] Trip14-55 Output FilterOption: Function:NOTICEThis parameter cannot be adjustedwhile the motor is running.Select the type of output filter connected.[0] * No Filter[1] Sine-Wave Filter14-56 Capacitance Output FilterEnter the capacitance of the output filter. Find the value on thefilter label. For the compensation function of the LC filter in thestar connection, enter the per phase equivalent capacitance ofthe filter (3 times the capacitance between 2 phases in the deltaconnection).Range: Function:2.0 uF* [0.1 - 6500.0 uF] Enter the capacitance ofthe output filter.14-57 Inductance Output FilterRange: Function:7.000 mH* [0.001 - 65.000mH]Set the inductance of the outputfilter. The value can be found onthe filter label.14-58 Voltage Gain FilterRange: Function:100 %* [0 - 200 %] Select the gain applied to the voltagewhen using an LC filter.Parameter Description VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202138 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG20OB0233