22-82 Work Point CalculationOption: Function:at that flow can be determined. Knowing these 2points on the pump curve, along with HMIN asdescribed, allows the frequency converter tocalculate the reference point B and thus to plotthe control curve, which also includes the systemdesign working point A.Set pointControl CurvenDESIGN-fDESIGNnRATED-fRATED(head)HH RATEDPar.22-88Q DESIGNPar.22-89H MIND BCAQ RATEDPar.22-90 (flow)QH DESIGN130BA387.1122-84/22-8722-83/Par.:Illustration 3.73 Speed at System DesignWorking Point is not Known[0]*Disabled Work point calculation not active. To be used ifspeed at design point is known.[1] Enabled Work point calculation is active. Enabling thisparameter allows the calculation of the unknownsystem design working point at 50/60 Hz speed,from the input data set in:• Parameter 22-83 Speed at No-Flow [RPM].• Parameter 22-84 Speed at No-Flow [Hz].• Parameter 22-87 Pressure at No-FlowSpeed.• Parameter 22-88 Pressure at Rated Speed.• Parameter 22-89 Flow at Design Point.• Parameter 22-90 Flow at Rated Speed.22-83 Speed at No-Flow [RPM]Range: Function:Sizerelated*[ 0 -par.22-85RPM]Resolution 1 RPM.Enter the speed of the motor in RPM atwhich flow is 0 and minimum pressure HMINis achieved. Alternatively, enter the speed inHz in parameter 22-84 Speed at No-Flow[Hz]. If parameter 0-02 Motor Speed Unit isset to RPM, parameter 22-85 Speed at DesignPoint [RPM] should also be used. Closingthe valves and reducing the speed untilminimum pressure HMIN is achieveddetermines this value.22-84 Speed at No-Flow [Hz]Range: Function:Sizerelated*[ 0 -par.Resolution 0.033 Hz.22-84 Speed at No-Flow [Hz]Range: Function:22-86Hz]Enter the motor speed in Hz at which flowhas effectively stopped and minimumpressure HMIN is achieved. Alternatively,enter the speed in RPM inparameter 22-83 Speed at No-Flow [RPM]. Ifparameter 0-02 Motor Speed Unit is set toHz, parameter 22-86 Speed at Design Point[Hz] should also be used. Closing the valvesand reducing the speed until minimumpressure HMIN is achieved determines thisvalue.22-85 Speed at Design Point [RPM]Range: Function:Sizerelated*[ 0 -60000RPM]Resolution 1 RPM.Only visible when parameter 22-82 WorkPoint Calculation is set to [0] Disabled. Enterthe motor speed in RPM at which thesystem design working point is achieved.Alternatively, enter the speed in Hz inparameter 22-86 Speed at Design Point [Hz].If parameter 0-02 Motor Speed Unit is set toRPM, parameter 22-83 Speed at No-Flow[RPM] should also be used.22-86 Speed at Design Point [Hz]Range: Function:Sizerelated*[ 0.0 -par.4-19Hz]Resolution 0.033 Hz.Only visible when parameter 22-82 WorkPoint Calculation is set to [0] Disabled. Enterthe motor speed in Hz at which the systemdesign working point is achieved. Alterna-tively, enter the speed in RPM inparameter 22-85 Speed at Design Point [RPM].If parameter 0-02 Motor Speed Unit is set toHz, parameter 22-83 Speed at No-Flow [RPM]should also be used.22-87 Pressure at No-Flow SpeedRange: Function:0* [ 0 - par. 22-88 ] Enter the pressure HMIN corresponding tospeed at no-flow in reference/feedbackunits.22-88 Pressure at Rated SpeedAlso see parameter 22-82 Work Point Calculation.Range: Function:999999.999* [ par. 22-87 -999999.999 ]Enter the value correspondingto the pressure at rated speed,in reference/feedback units.This value can be definedusing the pump datasheet.Parameter Description Programming GuideMG20OB02 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 1893 3