0-37 Display Text 1Range: Function:0* [0 -25 ]In this parameter, it is possible to write an individualtext string to be shown in the LCP or to be read viaserial communication.To show the text permanently, select [37] Display Text1 in 1 of the following parameters:• Parameter 0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small.• Parameter 0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small.• Parameter 0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small.• Parameter 0-23 Display Line 2 Large.• Parameter 0-24 Display Line 3 Large.• Parameter 0-37 Display Text 1.Changing parameter 12-08 Host Name changesparameter 0-37 Display Text 1 - but not the oppositeway.0-38 Display Text 2Range: Function:0* [0 -25 ]In this parameter, it is possible to write an individualtext string to be shown in the LCP or to be read viaserial communication.To show the text permanently, select [38] Display Text2 in:• Parameter 0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small.• Parameter 0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small.• Parameter 0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small.• Parameter 0-23 Display Line 2 Large.• Parameter 0-24 Display Line 3 Large.Press [▲] or [▼] to change a character. Press [◀] and[▶] to move the cursor. When a character ishighlighted by the cursor, this character can bechanged. A character can be inserted by placing thecursor between 2 characters and pressing [▲] or [▼].0-39 Display Text 3Range: Function:0* [0 -25 ]In this parameter, it is possible to write an individualtext string to show in the LCP or to be read viaserial communication. To show the text permanently,select display text 3 in parameter 0-20 Display Line1.1 Small, parameter 0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small,parameter 0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small,parameter 0-23 Display Line 2 Large, orparameter 0-24 Display Line 3 Large. Press [▲] or [▼]to change a character. Press [◀] and [▶] to move thecursor. When a character is highlighted by thecursor, this character can be changed. A charactercan be inserted by placing the cursor between 2characters and pressing [▲] or [▼].3.2.5 0-4* LCP KeypadEnable, disable, and password protect individual keys onthe LCP.0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCPOption: Function:[0] Disabled Select to disable the key.[1] * Enabled [Hand On] key is enabled.[2] Password Avoid unauthorized start in hand-onmode. If parameter 0-40 [Hand on] Key onLCP is included in My Personal Menu,define the password inparameter 0-65 Personal Menu Password.Otherwise, define the password inparameter 0-60 Main Menu Password.[3] Enabled withoutOFF[4] Passwordwithout OFF[5] Enabled withOFF[6] Password withOFF[9] Enabled, ref = 00-41 [Off] Key on LCPOption: Function:[0] Disabled Select to disable the key.[1] * Enabled [Off] key is enabled.[2] Password Avoid unauthorized stop. If parameter 0-41 [Off]Key on LCP is included in My Personal Menu,define the password in parameter 0-65 PersonalMenu Password. Otherwise, define the passwordin parameter 0-60 Main Menu Password.0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCPOption: Function:[0] Disabled Select to disable the key.[1] * Enabled [Auto On] key is enabled.[2] Password Avoid unauthorized start in auto-on mode. Ifparameter 0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP is includedin My Personal Menu, define the password inparameter 0-65 Personal Menu Password.Otherwise, define the password inparameter 0-60 Main Menu Password.Parameter Description Programming GuideMG20OB02 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 353 3